
Monday, July 5, 2010

Hy! Welcome to my site! I write from Hungary and I would like to demonstrate that how to dress one Hungarian teenager. My native language is Hungarian therefore you excuse me if I write an Idiocy. :D I will try to write meaningful sentenses.
Today, I read the Hungarian Cosmopolitan and I found a lovely fashion theme for me.....this was the lace. Why? On Saturday I drove with tram across the Magaret-bridge and got on the tram a girl, who wear a black leggings, lace top, and a farmer shirt. She look out very lovely! Since than I have wanted to a lace top or T.shirt. So, now is coming some pictures from the Cosmo:
This lace socks are so cute with the high-heeled shoes

And lastly, this make-up is simple but with the shining India ink became so special and charming.